Can I Communicate With My Student?

Short answer - YES!
NOTE: At present mail is not being delivered to Uganda from Australia due to covid19.
Letters can be emailed to your sponsored student(s) by writing the letter in the body of an email or as an attachment, sent to and your letter will be forwarded to the Child Care Department at BCC.
We arrange to have letters sent from sponsored students at least twice a year, and encourage sponsors to write back. The kids love to hear details of your life and family, your church and or sporting groups, you can also tell them why you chose to sponsor a student and what it means to you to have them in your life.
As their Australian sponsor you are regarded as a very special member of the family so the kids love getting photos and pictures of you - many humble mudbrick homes have smiling Aussie faces on their walls!
Here are some hints to help you get started:
10 things to tell your student in a letter
- Details of your family and pets.
- The type of work you do
- Your church
- Your interests and hobbies
- Information on Australian animals (cut out a picture from a magazine or postcard)
- Information about Australia generally, the climate, the season (is it hot/cold/ raining) and the foods which grow in your region
- Your favourite Bible characters and stories
- Encouragement about education
- Your favourite colour,animal,flower or place to visit
- Stories of work and life goals of your children or friends, or their education, what they are learning, their favourite subject and why.
10 things to ask your student in a letter
- What is your home like?
- What are the names of your brothers and sisters and how do you all help out at home?
- What do you like about school and what's your favourite subject?
- What is the weather like at the moment?
- What do you want to do when you are older?
- What games or sports do you play?
- What do you love about Bushikori Christian Centre?
- Where is your favourite place to visit and why?
- What is your favourite story from the Bible?
- What would you like me to pray for?