Bushikori Christian Centre - Australian Support Committee -


The Bushikori Christian Centre Mbale, Uganda, exists to fulfil the great commission of Jesus Christ in both word and deed by spreading the word of God and taking care of widows, orphans and other vulnerable children.

The Australian Support Committee considers it a privilege to partner with BCC through providing prayer support, organising student sponsorship in Australia and administering donated funds to help resource BCC for over 25 years.

Letter from the late Director of Bushikori Christian Centre, Uganda to all supporters. Click here.



What's Happening Locally?

New June 2024
Newsletter available (see below)

Highlights of this newsletter include

* Health Centre Update
* 30yr Celebration

Give the gift of education and sponsor a child!

We have a list of children needing sponsoring. Their families are mostly peasant farmers who are barely able to provide food and shelter and so need help to support their child's education.

We would love to hear from you if you are interested in taking up any of these precious children. Click HERE

All your QUESTIONS answered!!



What's Happening in Uganda?

Watch a video from BCC Executive director Mary Wanendeya and other staff on the latest building updates and prayer requests.

Click on the image to view the video


See below for the link to our Youtube channel for more videos from BCC

Prayer Points
Give thanks to God for his ongoing presence and provision in all aspects of BCC Mission.
Pray for the students and their education, for their faith in Christ to grow and to be a witness in their community.
Pray for the Health clinic, Maternal and Surgical clinics, for all the staff and the contribution they are making towards the health of the community.


In 2023 the country has returned to "COVID Normal", Students are back in school. Tertiary/Vocational students have resumed study and students who completed Senior school in 2022 are applying for courses.



Bushikori Christian Centre on a google map


View our YOUTUBE-LOGO-9_2.PNG channel to see other videos from Bushikori Uganda


You can partner with us to break the cycle of poverty by providing education and health care for a community in Uganda.

1. Sponsor a Student which provides school fees, uniforms, scholastic materials, healthcare and a main meal.

2. Financial support by donating to one of our funds -
(see under fundraising)
All donations above $2 are tax deductible

3. Support our fundraisers

4. We need your prayer support - see our specific
prayer needs

Download our Information Brochure


Click on the image to download our
June 2024 newsletter.


Click HERE to goto our Newsletter Archive

"And you shall be a blessing..." Gen12:2

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